
Michael Guinchard Oscar Keziban

Michael Guinchard

Role: Mechanical Measurement Lab Leader


Phone: +41 22 76 77896

Activities: As lab responsible, I manage the activities from technical and administrative point of view and give orientation for future investments.

Background: I graduated DUT Mesures Physiques in 1996 from the Strasbourg University of Technology. I worked for General Motors in the Noise and Vibration Laboratory of the European Technical Centre during 6 years and followed in parallel engineering courses in instrumentation – measurements with the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers). I am in charge of the Mechanical Measurements Lab of EN-MME since 2005.

Óscar Sacristan de Frutos

Role: Mechanical and Thermo-physical Characterisation of Advanced Materials


Phone: +41 22 76 78051

Activities: Since my arrival at CERN Mechanical Measurements Laboratory in 2013, my work consists in the characterization of advanced materials materials and systems from the thermal and mechanical point of view. Hence, I am in charge of performing thermal analysis and mechanical testing in temperatures ranging from -196 to 2000 ºC. Moreover I take care of the determination of residual stresses determination by the hole drilling method.

Background: I graduated as a mechanical Engineer in the University of Valladolid in 2008. Prior to my arrival at CERN I held several positions as an international research, technology and development projects manager, where I coordinated projects in the fields of mechanical testing, advanced manufacturing techniques and aeronautics.

Keziban Kandemir

Role: Junior Fellow


Phone: +41 22 76 65475

Activities: I am an engineer specialized in optics and photonics, developing optical fiber sensors for mechanical measurements in CERN's applications. I am responsible for measurements, analyses, and reporting of the superconducting magnets prototypes strain profiles based on fiber Bragg gratings technology from its assembly at room temperature to its powering at cryogenic temperatures. As an R&D fellow, I am developing and characterizing homemade sensors based on optical fiber suitable for CERN’s harsh environments.

Background: I obtained my master’s degree in Optical Physics at Jean Monnet University in September 2020. During my studies, I worked as a technical student at CERN on the development of an optical fiber sensor for radiation monitoring across the CERN accelerator complex. I completed my master’s thesis at the Richemont R&I department, working on the characterization of optical coatings for decorative purposes on watch components. Since October 2020, I am working in the Mechanical Measurement Laboratory.

Sylvain David Muriel

Sylvain Mugnier

Role: Experimental Stress Analysis


Phone: +41 75 411 5673

Activities: Arrived at CERN in 2020, my main activity is to performed mechanical measurements on all types of magnets prototypes. My work allows to validate Finite Element Analysis (FEA) during assembly phases, thermal cycles (down to 1.9K) and powering tests. I also check the integrity of the structure during assembly phases.

Background: I graduated as a mechanical Engineer and as a technician in electrical engineering. In my professional career before arriving at CERN, I worked on several positions in the field of centrifugal pumps for the nuclear and oil & gas sector. I have held positions in the field of measurements, quality and project management.

David Thuliez

Role: Laboratory Technician


Phone: +41 22 76 78051

Activities:  My job in the mechanical measurement laboratory consists of preparing and carrying out mechanical and vibration tests for various CERN projects.

My activity is very diversified, it's divided between gluing, wiring and connection of strain gages useful for stress analysis in superconducting magnets, mechanical tests such as tensile, compressive and flexural tests of materials in different conditions but also vibration analysis of different part ranging from a few centimeters to many meters.

Background: I am a graduate of a higher technician's certificate in physical technology for industry and laboratory. I worked for over 18 years as a test technician in a laboratory for the automotive sector, where I was in charge of many tests in different fields such as mechanical, thermal or vibration testing. Since January 2021, I am working in the Mechanical Measurement Laboratory at CERN

Murielle Deloffre

Role: Laboratory Technician


Activities: I started working at the Mechanical Measurement Lab in Fall 2017. My main jobs are to prepare cabling and gluing strain gauges for instrumentation for several projects: superconducting magnets, beam screens, HiRadMat etc.

Background: Previously I gained experience as electrical technician by soldering CMS on electronic cards. At CERN I worked in the LHC tunnel as prototypist mounting, cabling and testing chassis.